

MECA : an expertise center with complementary skills in mechanical analysis.


MECA supports his customers in their product development cycle, from the R&D phase to the validation stage.

"We are the link between the latest innovations and the techno-economic feasibility of each project."




  • Research & Development Studies
  • Industrial Design Studies and Preliminary Design
  • Technical Studies Bureau focusing on special structures for architecture and construction
  • Design and calculation of multi-material products for industry
  • Evaluation of suitability for use under operating conditions of works and industrial facilitie
  • Failure analysis of structures and mechanisms
  • Training in mechanical engineering




  • Services which are particularly suited to projects with high technological content. A synergy of skills that covers a vast field of technical expertise :

    - The behaviour of materials and multi-material assemblies
    - Overall and detailed design
    - The calculation of stress and associated dimensioning methods
    - Building codes and analysis with regard to admissibility criteria
    - Suitability for use under real operating conditions
    - Failure modes and criticality analysis


  • The cluster formed by Calcul-Meca, Conception-Meca, Expert-Meca and Fluide-Meca is based in France, Nantes and composed of :

    - 11 Calculation Engineers
    - 9 Expert Engineers
    - 4 Design engineers
    - 3 Administrative/Commercial


  • Comprised of a team of experienced engineers and technicians, the cluster guarantees quality work while respecting the constraints of your project.
  • "Our strength lies in the skills and experience of our team, as well as our network and relationships with other specialized consulting firms and independent experts."




  Adress : 18 rue Paul Bellamy - 44000 NANTES - FRANCE 

 Website : http://www.cluster-meca.fr/

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