The GIE ALBATROS gathers SME and mid-caps round the “factory of the future” theme and the advanced manufacturing technologies. To do so, it mobilises the companies on:
- Design, calculation and simulation of composites and metallic parts
- IoT and data processing
- Big data, AI and machine learning
- Smart and flexible robotic systems and cobotics
- Innovative manufacturing process and materials
- Additive manufacturing of metallic and composite parts
- Surface treatment, coatings and adhesives
From 2012 to 2023, the GIE ALBATROS enabled the emergence and writing of 90 collaborative projects of research and development (R&D) dealing with the aforementioned themes. All these projects were supported by various counters of public funding being a success rate of 100% to French-state national funding.
The projects entitled AVATAR, FABHELI and HOBIT show the technical know-how of the companies which are members of the GIE ALBATROS. These 3 examples also demonstrate their complementarity to answer new industrial needs of aerospace, maritime and offshore renewable energy respectively.